Internet Information

Your business needs to take advantage of 
e-commerce Why? 
Consumers spent $8 billion online in 1998, that figure is expected to grow to $130 billion in the next four years.
"Traffic on the Internet is doubling every 100 days."

US Department of Congress

"The percentage of Entrepreneurs planning to use the Internet for electronic commerce will triple in the next 10-12 months."

                                               Ernst & Young

"E-commerce between businesses is five times as much as consumer e-commerce, or about $43 billion last year."

According to Business Week

And by 2003, Forrester Research predicts that e-commerce between businesses will balloon to $1.3 trillion.

CeaNet Inc.
Phone: 262-902-2961

Copyright © 2002-2009
Last modified: November 17, 2009